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About Me-

I have fronted a number of bands since 2011. I suppose in this band I'll be taking a slightly different approach in sharing the vocal responsibilities with Will but I would still consider myself the 'frontman' in the sense that I'm the one who says stupid things in between songs.


I pride myself in the fact that I'm a huge Radiohead fan as well as listening to most genres of music, whether it be Desert Rock, Surf, Electronica, Blues, Jazz and even the occasional Singer-Songwriter tune.


I tend to feel the need to have a large amount of gear in my rig. At the moment, I run 11 pedals through two amps [although they're not at the same time of course] with three different guitars, a number I'm soon hoping to up to five.


Greatest Musical Memory-

Difficult question. There's a lot. It has to be out of watching Interpol play Eurockennes on TV festival back when I was about eight, or watching Band of Skulls play 'Cold Fame' live back in December 2012. They were both pretty magical.





Five Favourite Albums-

5- ...Like Clockwork- Queens of the Stone Age [2013]

4- Unknown Pleasures- Joy Division [1979]

3- Funeral- Arcade Fire [2004]

2- Kid A- Radiohead [2000]

1- Turn On The Bright Lights- Interpol [2002]


Other Inspirational Works

For Emma, Forever Ago- Bon Iver

Welcome to Sky Valley- Kyuss

1984- George Orwell [Novel]

The storyline behind the Jak and Daxter games.


'What is going on with my headstock' was the first thing he asked after looking at this photo
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